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USA and Canada

post and recommend muddy and dirty locations in the US and Canada

Mud in or around Vancouver or Fraser Valley British Columbia?

I am looking for private places to find mud in or around Vancouver, BC or east of Vancouver out in the Fraser Valley area. Any one know where I can find any? I am also interested in chatting with people from in or around Vancouver British Columbia or anywhere in British Columbia for that matter.

Midwest Mudding

Hey there, new guy in North Dakota wondering if there's any mud fans here in the North American Midwest, preferably in ND of course, but feel free to use this as a base for all Midwestern mud lovers.

I know there's plenty of farmland around here, so it's inevitable a mudder would be in this area, right?

Okanagan Manure Fun

Any farmers/farms in the BC interior available to play in cow shit? Willing to travel to get properly covered in cow shit every now and then.

Northeast USA Manure

Any farmers in the Northeastern USA into deep mud and manure? Country guy here who has been lucky enough to have some fun in manure is hoping to play more.

Getting dirty/muddy

Hey y'all! Traveling from Lacrosse, Wisconsin to Naples, Florida in a few weeks. Looking to see if anyone along the route can help me get muddy! Looking to get totally muddy in rainwear or whatever else rubber gear you have or I can borrow... HMU either on here, or email at [email protected]. THANKS!

Southern California Mud Spots?

Been looking for areas where a pig boy like me can go for a nice private mud wallow without fear of being discovered. I live in the Arcadia/Pasadena area so not much around here for mud spots. Any good hidden mud spots in Southern California?

Baltimore Mudding....

Thinking of heading (back) to a spot I once went to near Baltimore. RIGHT off of the Baltimore beltway, along the Patapsco River. Attaching a link to the google map:


New York City

Bit of a long shot this but are there any mud guys in NYC?  I have a 10 hour layover on Feb 8 and a beer with a mud bud in NYC would be a great reason to leave JFK for the day!

Canadian/quebecois mud lovers

Hello Canadian mud lovers.

Long time user of this site looking for Canadian mud buds for some muddy fun in the ontario/quebec area including deep sinking and gear swapping (work boots, coveralls, chest waders etc.) Any other Canadians on this site? Les quebecois sont aussi bienvenus.

Southwest Nova Scotia

Anyone know of any good spots in southwest nova? Near the Yarmouth area?


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