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UK Muddy Places

Muddy locations in the British Isles

Mud needed in Hertfordshire or Buckinghamshire

Anyone know any good places to get muddy in Hertfordshire or Buckinghamshire

Muddy locations in Manchester?

Hey. Was just wondering if there’s any good mud locations in Manchester to get dirty. Preferably deep/private?

South West Clay Pits

Does anyone know of any decent places to find clay pits which aren't swarming with CCTV, people or impossible to get into?

I've spent some considerable time searching myself though have been unsuccessful

Dorset Adventure Park

Has anyone ever been to Dorset Adventure Park when it’s closed? Me and my nephew was thinking of going but we thought it was open but it’s not. The site and mud trail looks like so much fun. Would anyone be willing to risk it one evening?


NwLondon Hertfordshire

Anyone know of any amazing muddy places nw London Herefordshire, Buckinghamshire sort of area

Looking for new mud areas.

Just been out for a drive to look for new places for mud but finding lot of time it's either, public place, houses nearby, private property and CCTV, single roads where no where to park etc. How do others find there mud spots? I look for streams of rivers or pond.


Is anyone in Kent? And if so do you have any current locations you can advise for some good mud?

I would also like to meet up for a good muddy session, nothing sexual, just getting covered from head to toe!

Mud fun in derby/nottingham

Hi guys looking for some deep mud fun in derby or notts I’m getting bored of my normal spots! Can anyone help? Happy to meet up too!

Deep mud locations York UK

Is there anyone here from around the York area that knows of and good deep mud locations withing a 20-30 mile radius of York?

Want to if worth a visit

Anyone been to Manley mere mud adventure trail recently and what is it like. Would love to have a trip one weekday when it is open.
Let me know your thoughts


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