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UK Muddy Places

Muddy locations in the British Isles

Mud Site Closed

Anybody ever found a really good mud place to play in and then you don't go to it for a while and come back one day and discover a fence around it? Anyone else ever find that, Do you think I was noticed? I imagine seeing it's a quarry it's just for health and safety.

Mud fun around Gloucestershire

Now the weather is starting to get a bit warmer, and know of any good mud places to play up to an hours drive from Gloucestershire ? Message me if you do any would like me to join you 

manchester mud fun

just staring to get into mud... had a few great sessions on my own with one other guy and looking for more fun

New Essex Mud Meet/Info

Hey let's try to get and update an great resource for Essex mudders. 

So post any locations you have include site, access, parking, depth, if it's busy and top tips.
If you are looking for a meet then try to include times usually available, do you drive, can you accommodate and in what gear you like to play.
Rember you can always DM me contact detail or info.

River Severn

Anyone around River Severn area interested in getting muddy?  I can travel for mud too :-)  Enjoy a wallow in boots and workwear.

Any one know of any slurry in south wales?

we know its a bit of a long shot but does any one know of any locations where there is slurry that we can wallow in?!

Good London Location

Going out with a buddy for some mud fun in waders next weekend. We are both in East London and will travel by motorbike. Anyone know anywhere easily accessible and suitable for afternoon fun? Thanks :)

Mud play in or near Gloucestershire

Anyone up for some mud play evenings or weekends now the weather is getting warm?

Friendly Canadian travelling to England Sept 2014 Looking for mud play

Hi, friendly Canadian here going to be visiting England in Sept. 2014 and am looking for fellow mud and or

cow manure buddies to hook up with for some messy play and sinking.  Will be based in a hotel in London, but very willing to travel to meet.  Watersports play is great too.  I would like to check out some of the amazing

mud, sand, and clay quarries that it seems like England has to offer. If you want to know more, please message me back or email me at


Hie guys.  Does anybody know anyone who lives in Scotland (well the north) i'm all alone up here on Lewis and wish i had somebody to meet.  If anybody is able to help please send me a message. Im really into boilersuits so that would be a bonus


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